transform your visions into



Chellsy Analytica (formerly Chellsy) offers a simple, robust, and powerful platform for data collection of healthcare research studies. The software allows researchers to collect both qualitative and quantitative data.  The main advantage of Chellsy Analytica is that you do not need to hire employees or outsource to companies for programming, also there is no extra cost for installation. You will send the form or questionnaire to us, and we do the rest of programming for you.


Conditional alert notification is a very useful module that triggers an email alert based on a specific response. By detecting unusual (anomalous) during data collection process, researcher team will get an instant email notification once a pre-defined condition response is captured. This is a great tool to immediately detect serious adverse events (AE) or any specific problematic situation to not jeopardize the patient.


Chellsy Analytica provides data analytics consultancy services:
  • Data management and cleansing
  • Descriptive analysis (i.e. frequencies, mean and tables)
  • Data modelling: This includes regression modelling such as Linear, Logistic, Poisson and/or Cox models.


The real-time reporting module is a fully automated and easy-to-use that enhance researchers to get quick access to the report or dashboard. By extracting and presenting data in charts, tables, and  visualizing data, you can get access to insights without any further analysis. The dashboard is ready to use, as soon as data collection starts. You can share the report or export it as PDF or CSV format.

We Transform Your Vision into Creative Results

We asked 2536 researchers from different sectors about the software that they currently use to conduct their studies. Our results have shown that:

81% of researchers are unhappy with their current using research software.
mentioned that access to the licence of available Electronic Data Capture (EDC) software is so expensive and not received all promised services and features. Also, researchers should use two or more software to fulfill their research demands.

47% of researchers believed that process of training to use a software can be too complicated and time-consuming. Also, they have not received enough customer support.

More than half of the clinicians mentioned that there is a lack of some useful features in a single software, then they constantly switch between platforms.


Advanced Features
All in Unique Platform


  • Support an unlimited number of participants and questions
  • Support more than 80 different languages in a study
  • Accept 28 types of questions (e.g. multi-choice, single-choice, drag and drop, ranking, open box, put image/video, radio question, date/time, slider and etc.)
  • Define advanced conditions (e.g. Randomization, Skip Logic, Branching, Piping and Micro-tailoring and mathematical calculations)
  • Record/capture geo-location, photo and video from participants, interviewers and/or researchers
  • Take the signature of participants, interviewers and/or researchers
  • Customise font, logo and colours of form or survey
  • Ability to upload file (i.e. image, text or video)
  • Responsive system; works very well on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Sending of invitations, reminders and tokens by email
  • Embed the form or survey on your website without any further installation
  • Export raw data file in Excel, CSV, Stata or R (data file) formats
  • Automatically take a backup from all studies on daily bases
  • End to end encryption and store data on dedicated servers
  • Access to the admin page for editing question or options
  • Define different level of access to the admin page for researchers


  • Ready to be used as soon as data collection starts
  • Update/refresh the report every 2 hours
  • Insert 6 types of charts including Time series, Combo, Pie, Bar, Area and Linear charts
  • Insert geo-map and pivot tables
  • Define filters on the report (e.g. time frame, site, location or any other variable)
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV format
  • Share the report with colleagues
  • Customize font, logo and colours of the report
  • Import and combine raw data from external sources (e.g. Cloud SQL or Excel)
  • Embed the report on your website without any further installation


  • Data analyses, modelling data to understand risk, benefit and effectiveness of treatments
  • Data management and cleansing
  • Descriptive: frequencies, mean, SD, tables and etc.
  • Analytical: modelling data (Logistic, Linear, Cox or Poisson regressions)


  • Customize the conditions to detect anomalies or AEs or any problematic situation (e.g. Life-threatening situation, bleeding or allergic reaction)
  • Triggers instantly (less than few seconds) once the system detects them
  • Send email(s) instantly to the researcher team or sponsor
  • Customize email text for each pre-defined scenario(s) and specify list of email receivers

Save Money

  • No hidden fees, we only charge you for usage of software
  • No need to hire employees or outsource to companies for programming
  • There is not cost installation
  • Do not require training to use

Save Time

  • You just need to send the form or questionnaire to us and Chellsy Analytica do the programming in less than one day
  • Instant access to the results and reports
  • No need to spend time for training or installing any extra software or your computer or server

Chellsy Analytica offers great solutions to conduct observational studies such as retrospective chart review, patient registries, case-control and cross-sectional. Chellsy Analytica helps you on:

  • Provide information on “real world” use and practice
  • Detect signals about the benefits and risks of treatment or products in the general population
  • Burden of disease and identification of unmet needs
  • Treatment patterns, drug utilization, adherence 
  • The identification and impact of risk factors on disease outcomes 
  • Comparative effectiveness

Capturing and managing clinical trial data and innovative trial design methods such as basket trial, umbrella trial, and platform trials.

Chellsy Analytica provides accurate patients’ screening to meet objectives of the study for ePRF, eCRF, ePRO and EDC.


A business with unhappy customers or employees is both likely to lose those customers and struggle to attract new customers. Many managers want to track the performance of their business or measure the effectiveness of quality improvements in customers’ satisfaction. By using our sophisticated Experience Measurement system our clients can quickly and easily identify weaknesses as well as track changes in the improvement of customers’ satisfaction. 

Healthcare market research is the process of gathering, analysing and interpreting information about a healthcare market, about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market. 

  • Penetration of total market vs dynamic market
  • Prescription drivers and barriers
  • Shares by line of therapy, patient type and physicians’ speciality or segment
  • Awareness and adoption
  • Message recall
  • Brand image
ABout US

Chellsy offers a fully automated data collection and analytics services to help you conduct your research studies easier and faster. His services aid your data collection and analytics and letting you focus on the design of study.

Medy Ehtesham
Research Consultant

Medy studied Public Health and Epidemiology and has experience conducting primary and secondary research studies in healthcare, academic and commercial sectors. He worked closely with a wide array of clients, including but not limited to the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Roche, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, GSK, and Amgen, in diverse therapeutic areas to support regulatory submissions (FDA dossier) for medical drug/devices.


Chellsy Analytica encrypts data in transit, at rest, and on all backups.

Here’s how: Access to the Chellsy Analytica application is available only through secure HTTPS. Data in transit is encrypted when customers choose to use HTTPS protocols for their account. Chellsy Analytica utilises TLS for its secure communication protocol and is currently at the most recent patch level.

You own your data. We don’t sell or share your data. Chellsy Analytica delivers information to you that belongs to you, not us.

Select operate to the highest standards of data security and confidentiality. We have a standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that we can send to you. Data access is strictly controlled and our IT systems are fully secured against external intrusion. For security reasons we are unable to publically provide full details of the precautions we take to secure our clients’ data.

Customer is responsible for all actions with respect to personally identifiable information of persons that respond to customer’s surveys or to whom customer sends surveys. Title to and ownership of all intellectual property rights of the Response Data shall remain exclusively with customer.

The parties agree that all disclosure and use of survey information, responses thereto and Response Data (defined below) will comply with the terms and conditions and privacy policies under which it was collected and all applicable laws, statutes, rules or regulations relating to such Response Data and the persons from whom it is collected. “Response Data” means data obtained from persons responding to and/or having received surveys from Customer. Customer further agrees and warrants that its collection and use of Response Data from those persons comports with its stated privacy policies and comports with all applicable state and local laws.

We strongly recommend you do. Custom themes enable you to customise the look and feel of your dashboard to reflect your brand.

No. If you don’t have wi-fi available we can supply 4G tablets with a SIM card which will connect to a local network provider much like your mobile phone.

Yes, please contact our support team at  who will be happy to help.

We do! Chellsy supplies the whole system including software, hardware and stands.

No! Our service is tailored to suite your individual business and that includes completely unlimited participant and question counts.

We get back up all our systems once every day and keep it for one year.

Your business and your customers are our passion. Technology is our speciality.

Take the first steps towards happier customers with a simple "hello".

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