Outcomes-based Reimbursement of Medicines



Historically, health care reimbursement has been based on volume rather than value and outcomes. Value-based contracting (VBC) is increasingly seen as a viable and sustainable way of aligning payment to value. VBC compensates life sciences companies and providers for delivering prespecified, real-world results and solutions based on three health outcome pillars: clinical efficacy, patient-reported outcomes and health care system efficiencies.


Adopting an outcomes-based commissioning model could result in improved patient outcomes: contributing to earlier access to medicines, driving better value for money and reducing the risks for the NHS, facilitating more personalised prescribing and offering clearer incentives to invest in the UK’s health economy and in innovative treatments.


The Outcomes Platform is designed to address the critical need for value-based contracting, which reimburses life sciences companies and providers for delivering prespecified, real-world results and solutions. Value-based contracts have the potential to align the interests of patients, payers, providers, life sciences companies and society around a shared goal: reducing health care spending trajectories to more acceptable and accessible levels while continuing to reward important innovation.


Chellsy Analytica digital technology is making it easier to collect, analyse and share results, doing so securely.

We develop and provide support for all types of clinical outcome assessments (COAs), including patient-reported outcome (PRO), observer-reported outcome (ObsRO), clinician-reported outcome (ClinRO), and performance-based outcome (PerfO) measures.




  • Support an unlimited number of participants and questions
  • Support more than 80 different languages in a study
  • Accept 28 types of questions (e.g. multi-choice, single-choice, drag and drop, ranking, open box, put image/video, radio question, date/time, slider and etc.)
  • Define advanced conditions (e.g. Randomization, Skip Logic, Branching, Piping and Micro-tailoring and mathematical calculations)
  • Record/capture geo-location, photo and video from participants, interviewers and/or researchers
  • Take the signature of participants, interviewers and/or researchers
  • Customise font, logo and colours of form or survey
  • Ability to upload file (i.e. image, text or video)
  • Responsive system; works very well on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Sending of invitations, reminders and tokens by email
  • Embed the form or survey on your website without any further installation
  • Export raw data file in Excel, CSV, Stata or R (data file) formats
  • Automatically take a backup from all studies on daily bases
  • End to end encryption and store data on dedicated servers
  • Access to the admin page for editing question or options
  • Define different level of access to the admin page for researchers


  • Ready to be used as soon as data collection starts
  • Update/refresh the report every 2 hours
  • Insert 6 types of charts including Time series, Combo, Pie, Bar, Area and Linear charts
  • Insert geo-map and pivot tables
  • Define filters on the report (e.g. time frame, site, location or any other variable)
  • Download the report in PDF or CSV format
  • Share the report with colleagues
  • Customize font, logo and colours of the report
  • Import and combine raw data from external sources (e.g. Cloud SQL or Excel)
  • Embed the report on your website without any further installation


  • Data analyses, modelling data to understand risk, benefit and effectiveness of treatments
  • Data management and cleansing
  • Descriptive: frequencies, mean, SD, tables and etc.
  • Analytical: modelling data (Logistic, Linear, Cox or Poisson regressions)


  • Customize the conditions to detect anomalies or AEs or any problematic situation (e.g. Life-threatening situation, bleeding or allergic reaction)
  • Triggers instantly (less than few seconds) once the system detects them
  • Send email(s) instantly to the researcher team or sponsor
  • Customize email text for each pre-defined scenario(s) and specify list of email receivers

Save Money

  • No hidden fees, we only charge you for usage of software
  • No need to hire employees or outsource to companies for programming
  • There is not cost installation
  • Do not require training to use

Save Time

  • You just need to send the form or questionnaire to us and Chellsy Analytica do the programming in less than one day
  • Instant access to the results and reports
  • No need to spend time for training or installing any extra software or your computer or server


Chellsy Analytica offers great solutions to measure patient-reported outcomes and quality of life as well as gathering  health care system costs.


Capturing and managing clinical data and connect to Electronic Healthcare Records (e.g. hospital records).

Chellsy Analytica provides accurate patients’ screening to meet objectives of the study for ePRF, eCRF, ePRO and EDC.


Specifications of the contract

Unmet needs and Eligibility

Risk sharing and financial aspects


Chellsy offers a fully automated data collection and analytics services to help you conduct your research studies easier and faster. His services aid your data collection and analytics and letting you focus on the design of study.

Medy Ehtesham
Consultant and Founder

Medy studied Public Health and Epidemiology and he has experience of conducting both primary and secondary research studies in healthcare, academic and commercial sectors. He worked closely with wide array of clients including but not limited to Department of Health and Social Care, NHS, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Roche, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, GSK and Amgen in a diverse therapeutic areas.


Phone: +44(0)2087317027

Email: contact@chellsy.com

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